Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Satsuma Body Polish

Best if you want to: Reveal softer, smoother skin with a gel-based, foaming scrub loaded with exfoliating crushed walnut shells and loofah particles.

Best for: normal skin, suitable for daily use

How it works:
  • Orange essential oil is known to uplift, refresh and energize the senses and provides a naturally sweet citrus fragrance.
  • Satsuma juice is rich in vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that helps to protect and nourish skin, and provides a naturally zesty scent and orange color.
  • Community Trade organic honey moisturizes and conditions skin.


  1. Bos....ada kosmetik untuk cowok gak?
    heheheeee...kalo ada promosiin aja langsung.

    Ini daftar cosmetic yg perlu dipublikasikan, misalnya:
    1. minyak cengkeh, telon, kayuputih
    2. minyak urut, kelapa, sayur
    3. boreh

    Kalo gak percaya, cek aja spa atau massage yg ada di hotel di kuta, sanur atau ubud. met promosi ya

  2. Wah produk kita hampir mirip nih, salam kenal

  3. kalo kulitnya kayak aku bisa nga ya di lulur?
